INTERNATIONAL TRADE - Export compliance: the EIFEC university course in Turin

The 11th, 12th and 13th of November, 2016 was held in Turin on the 11th, 12th and 13th of November 2016 - at the Faculty of Economics, Department of Management - the 2nd session (Autumn) of the 2016 European Course organized by EIFEC - European Institute For Export Compliance -Schuman, Rue de la Loi 227, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium).
Export of goods and services is in fact a matter of fact, given that the new discipline established by the Union (Commission Delegated Regulation No 1382/2014 / EU of 22.10.2014, which replaced Reg. Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 establishing a Community system for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use goods), together with the rules of each Member State of the Community and the United States, is very complicated and Related breaches of both dual goods and all other goods and services are sanctioned both from an administrative point of view but also from a criminal level. The Lawyer. Salvatore Frattallone - specializing in international trade (LL.M. cum laude) at Sapienza in the A / A. 2014/2015 - he also attended this session (the previous one was held last summer).
They attended the course as lecturers: Kevin Wolf (Assistant Under Secretary of BIS, Bureau of Industry and Security of the Department of Commerce USA, Washington), Dr. Antonio Ciavatta (Executive ITC Counsel and Manager Europe - General Electric Corporate Legal) Dr. Marco Piredda (Vice President ENI - Legal Affairs, Regulators and Compliance), Avv. Pietro Maria Paolucci (Referent to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers), Douglas Jacobson (Washington, OFAC), Federico Fornari (API), Dr Maurizio Castello (Oerlikon, Deputy Head of Trade Control) The Customs Agency (Dr. Luca Ugona), Dr. Cristian Battistello (Deloitte, Export Control Forensic), Prof. Cristina Pessina (Professor A./A. 2016/2017, State University of Milan, Dip. Studi International, export compliance expert from Eifec), Prof. Guido Sassi (Confirmed Researcher and Aggregate Professor AA 2016/2017, DISAT - Applied Science and Technology Department and Actual Member of the School of Environmental and Land Engineering) and Professor Paolo Biancone (Ordinary Professor of Business Economics at the University of Turin, Department of Management).
The Course, focusing on new customs, export control reform and sanctions on Iran and Russia, was personally directed by one of the world's leading export compliance experts, Prof. Charles M. Giacoma (General Manager Of EIFEC since 2011), which will oversee the ineous work project.